Wednesday, July 9, 2008

hi everyone this is my second post on my new blog.....
well actually if u look technically it is my second post but practically it is the first one cos the last one was just not a post and i dont know what else i can call it...

Well let me see what am i going to talk about.
i have been doing my Practice School 1 ie is a kind of a summer internship at Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Lucknow. today it is 10 of july and only 5 more days of the internship to go. here life has taught me a lot of things that i wasnt expecting to learn, one of them being that time is just another dimension and we can waste it as much as we want. this is something that i think is a conception that all of us indians(at least most of the indians have) and is a majour reason why india took so long to get where it is. i will give a very basic example, here is have been doing nothing for the past one and a half month, but if u ask my instructors they will surely tell u that the work done was just about right for the amount of time spent here. if u ask me i will tell u i could have done all this in less than a week. also now when the internship comes to an end there is not even any pseudo work left to do, they wont allow me to leave. the people pay more attention to formalities than the actual work present. it is something like a lab course where people usually learn nothing except how to manage to copy their reports in some 20 mins before the submission time. u all might be thinking that i am writing a very negative post on my first time itself but, i was not always like this and i am not always like this. i remember times when i used to laugh at things so small that if i tell u now u wont understand. well that was all in the past and in the future but not in the present. right now all i do is sit here reading about hamachi servers so that i can tell an idiot that it is possible to access an intranet using the internet. but that is the way he is. then we have a girl who is working in the same lab as myself and well what should i say she belongs to the category of people who i dont talk to cos they dont listen all they do is talk and never listen, and even if they listen it seems like they are in great pain when listening to u so u dont wanna talk nemore.maybe i feel this way cos our personalities dont match. then there is this girl who works in the same lab as the guy and with him, she is a nice and sweet girl who i sometimes think is just a bit too sweet for the world and doesnt know what is happening around her, i would just hope that she never comes to face the realities the hard way. there is another girl in the lab who doesnt work with the guy, she is also sweet at least that is what i think and she listens too but she does get pissed on small things a lot of times and keeps grudges forever. then there is another girl in a different campus altogether but dont know much about her so wont say. u might be thinking that i am judging people and writing just the negative things about them and who am i to say all this. well so i am going to give a description of myself too. i am not very normal as nobody else is either cos normal is a word that people use to refer to others who are just like themselves cos if tehy are not like themselves then they are usually abnormal as one always rates oneself as normal, so nobody is normal cos everybody is different. i have this problem of trying really hard to do a pschoanalysis of people around me, so that i talk to them as cases and not as people. but if u fall into the right case that i can call case 'a' if u like the letter 'a', so now i have a few friends who do lie in case 'a' and i do talk to them. but if by mistake of the one above or by ur own u do decide to lie in some damn other case i would not generally talk to u and even if i did all that would come out of my mouth is words and nothing else. they would be words that are the same as the words in the dictionary that just lie there doing nothing making no difference to u or the world whatsoever. so i am not asking u to lie in case 'a' but all i ask is that if u do lie in case 'a' then please do talk to me.

i know i just poured out a lot of garbage that lot of people wouldn't have even understood and just mmarked as crap in their heads or browsers if it is possible. but u see this is my first and i dont expect a lot out of myself and neither should u.


Unknown said...

"normal is a word that people use to refer to others who are just like themselves cos if tehy are not like themselves then they are usually abnormal as one always rates oneself as normal."
amazing statement!i somehow never thought of it that way!have u read it somewhere?or was it ur own invention?coz considering ur speed, it would have taken u more than nineteen years to come up with something like this..and then another nineteen years to understand it.
and make ur sentences shorter.and use more COMMAS.

pixel said...

dude stop bugging me about the commas and yes it was my own invention and it took 19 secs to come up with including the time i took to type it.

random said...

lol.. gud one.. and do keep writing the way you do.. dont listen to ankit :)

Nice observations abt life :).. especially abt indian concept of time.. and government institutions.. and girls :).. and people in general.. :P

Especially the second last paragraph... (i think i should rather call it a sentence, noticing that there is barely any punctuation at all :P).. no man dont worry youre not the only wierdo.. im sure there are more.. and youll find your case a's :).. no im not being sarcastic..

keep posting..

Odin said...

nice start dude...
surely u have a lot of thoughts in your head...

designed to fly said...

i will write a comment wen i can think of one